Safety Comes First

The safety of our team and the communities in which we operate is of paramount importance to us and remains a key part of our business culture.

We envision an organization where no one gets hurt — one that ensures we can meet our commitments to employees, their families and our customers around the world, while keeping us competitive.

Our relentless pursuit of safety is rooted in our care and concern for people and their families. We believe Safety is a shared responsibility. Everyone has the right and responsibility to stop work if conditions become unsafe, regardless of position or experience.


2023 Safety Performance Data

Our approach to caring for each other — Stop. Think. Protect. — has a focus on incident prevention through safety leadership at all levels, front-line engagement and active recognition and control of high-potential exposures that may lead to life-altering injuries.


Fatalities in 2023


Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR)


Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)


“Safety is about respecting our people. We focus on integrating this into our culture to ensure all our employees can go home to their families at the end of each day.” - Decio May, SVP Global Industrial Operations

safety ok

Safety and Health Policy

Our Vision

Bunge is dedicated to achieving a zero-incident culture by integrating safety into all locations and businesses through a process of continuous improvement.

Our Commitment

The prevention of fatalities and serious life-altering injuries of employees, contractors and visitors is the foundation of this policy. All of our processes, products and services meet, or exceed, all applicable safety and health regulations.


High Potential Exposures (HPEs)

We focus primarily on the following HPEs that have accounted for the majority of serious incidents at Bunge over time:

  • Work at Height
  • Hazardous Energy
  • Mobile Equipment
  • Confined Spaces
  • Hoisted Loads
  • Hazardous Chemicals
  • Process Safety


Meet our People

Heitor Cauneto

Senior Director, Global Manufacturing
St. Louis
Joined Bunge in 2004

Jessica Stephan

Logistics Director
St. Louis
Joined Bunge in 2008

Kachig Anspikian

Facility Manager
Joined Bunge in 1997