Bunge Launches new Shea Public-Private Partnership

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Accra, Ghana, June 24, 2024   

A ceremonial event took place last week in Accra, Ghana to officially launch The Women Shea Business Cooperative project.

The project is a partnership between Bunge, Agriterra and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH) – a German federal enterprise with worldwide operations in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work. The collaboration with GIZ is funded through the develoPPP programme and the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Long term impact

The three-and-a-half-year project will create six new independent women business cooperatives supporting the livelihoods of more than 2,500 shea collecting women and their communities in North Ghana.

Experienced partners in Shea

The program will be implemented in collaboration with Agriterra, Bunge’s current NGO partner in the Where Life Grows shea program. Agriterra provides expert advice and training to cooperatives and farmer organizations in emerging economies. 


GIZ ceremony GIZ ceremony  GIZ ceremony   GIZ ceremony shea

Pictures of the ceremony of the kick-off meeting of the program


"The project builds on our existing direct sourcing activities in North Ghana and will support Bunge in achieving our ambition to positively impact 400,000 shea collecting women by 2030 in an efficient, credible and verifiable way,” said Laura de Gruijter, Bunge Sustainability Manager. “We are proud to partner with develoPPP GIZ, a programme with a proven track record of collaborating with businesses in developing countries by providing technical assistance to support people and societies in shaping their own future.”

"I am very proud that over 600 shea collecting women were present at the kick-off meeting. For me this underlines the engagement and local importance of the program for the communities. I am looking forward to seeing the results for the communities in the near future." said Barbara Macon, Program Manager Sustainability who leads the project implementation in Ghana.

GIZ shea Bunge team  GIZ shea complete team

First picture: Laura de Gruijter, Alma Korko Adamtey, Barbara Macon and Adil Husain of the Bunge implementation team
Second picture: the combined Bunge, GIZ, and Agriterra teams


Read more about our Where Life Grows program here.


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