California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (the “Act”)
Bunge currently assesses its suppliers for a number of factors and may consider expanding this assessment to obtain additional information regarding supplier compliance with the Act. Bunge has issued letters requesting confirmation of compliance with the Act to numerous suppliers. Later steps may take the form of further requests for certification and/or audits. Initially, Bunge does not plan to utilize a third party for any verification or audit process. Bunge has provided training on this topic to individuals directly involved in the procurement process.
Bunge’s standard agreements for its suppliers require suppliers to comply with all applicable laws. Moreover, Bunge’s parent company (Bunge Global SA) has a
Global Labor Policy in place which provides that Bunge will not use child labor or forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or otherwise. This Policy also requires that Bunge’s suppliers ensure that their operations, and those of their subcontractors and suppliers, comply with this Policy. Any Bunge employee or contractor involved in the procurement process who is found not to have complied with the Global Labor Policy would be subject to appropriate action, including further training.